Devin Beecher, MD
Family Medicine, Primary Care
Accepting New Patients
Telehealth appointments are available.
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Devin Beecher, MD is a resident physician at the Keck Medicine Family Medicine Residency Program. He grew up in Seattle, studied literature at Brown University and UCLA, and attended medical school at Columbia University in New York. He has previously worked as a musician (briefly), a librarian, a biochemist, and an educator. As a family physician, he hopes to help build kind and efficient health care systems, and to encourage his patients to tell their stories of illness and health in the ways that are most useful to them. Outside of medicine, Devin enjoys playing music, learning languages, and exploring the outdoors with his wife, dog, and two young children.
Benefits among health plans and employers vary. Please contact your health plan to verify benefits and network providers for specific products. It is important to note that not all of our providers participate in all of a health plan's products or networks.