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Telehealth appointments are available.
Mon & Thurs:
8 a.m - 5 p.m
Wed: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Licensed under
USC Kenneth Norris Jr. Cancer Hospital
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Karla O’Dell, MD, specializes in head and neck surgery and disorders of the voice, airway and swallowing. She is cofounder and codirector of the USC Airway Intervention & Reconstruction Center (USC Air Center).
Dr. O’Dell performs open and minimally invasive endoscopic treatments of upper airway disorders and in-office laser treatments. She is experienced in working with professional voice users, such as singers and other performers. In addition to care for all voice, swallowing, and airway problems, Dr. O'Dell and the team at the USC Voice Center offer gender-affirming voice care.
Her research priorities include treatment of stenosis — narrowing of the airway, trachea and lower larynx or voice box, with the goal of prevention and improving treatment options. She also is developing new procedures for treatment of vocal cord paralysis and vocal cord scarring. Dr. O’Dell is active in the North American Airway Collaborative, which encourages and exchanges data on adult airway disease.
Away from work, she enjoys going to the beach, hiking, exploring Southern California and spending time with friends and family.
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