
Do You Need to See an Endocrinologist Before Starting a Weight Loss Drug?

Losing weight can be difficult. Seeing a specialist can help determine if weight loss drugs are right for you. It…

Achy Back? You May Be Sitting Too Much

Sitting for hours on end can be a part of modern life, but sometimes, it can lead to back problems.…

4 Things You Should Know About Gallstones

Do you have severe abdominal pain? You could have gallstones. Learn more about the signs and symptoms. Tucked beneath your…

Illnesses You Can Pick Up at the Beach

You know to watch out for stingrays and sharks, but do you know about the bacteria and viruses you might…

Are Hiccups a Sign of Something Serious?

If your hiccups are chronic, they may be more than a temporary annoyance. Find out about the underlying medical conditions…

5 Reasons Why You Might Have the Chills

Are chills serious? Shivering and goose bumps can accompany a wide range of conditions, from a too-cold environment to cancer.…

Should I Go Gluten-Free?

Going gluten-free may seem like a trendy diet option, but for some people, it’s a medical necessity. Chances are your…

3 Signs You Might Have a Hernia

It’s important to catch a hernia before it causes problems. These signs will help you know what to look for.…

6 Possible Reasons Why You Have Swollen Feet, Ankles or Legs

Occasional swelling of your lower extremities can be caused by everything from salty food to standing too long. Here’s how…

Can You Be Screened for Colon Cancer Without a Colonoscopy?

While a colonoscopy is the preferred method, less invasive options can help determine whether there is cause for concern. A…

Why Is Colorectal Cancer on the Rise for Younger People?

Doctors are working to uncover why colon cancer numbers are increasing in people under 50. Here’s what you need to…

7 Reasons You Might Have Diarrhea

From viruses to lactose intolerance, there are a number of causes that might be behind this unpleasant symptom. Most people…